Degustazione Slow Wine 2022 (Milano, 9-10/10/2021)

Slow Wine 2022 grand tasting

The MegaWatt Court exhibition space will host the Slow Wine 2022 grand tasting on Saturday, October 9th and Sunday, October 10th 2021 (opening hours: from noon to 07:00 pm).

The event, celebrating the release of the new edition of the Slow Wine guide, will feature the wineries awarded by the guide.

Please note that we will be at the event on Saturday, October 9th only.

The event is part of the programme of the 2021 Milan Wine Week.

Access to the event is limited to holders of the EU Digital Green Certificate.
Tickets can be bought on the Slow Wine on line shop.



Name of the event: Slow Wine 2022 grand tasting
When: October 9th-10th 2021
Where: Milan
Location of the event: MegaWatt Court
Address: via Watt, 15
Opening hours: from noon to 07:00 pm
Information and tickets on line: