Our Anamari 2019 is one of the wines suggested for the pairings with December recipes.
A review of our Anamari 2019.
Our Giorgio Odero 2014 is one of the Pinot Noirs that impressed Giambattista Marchetto at the “Oltrepò land of Pinot Noir” event.
Mauro Giacomo Bertolli reviews our Giorgio Odero 2021.
An overview of the Italian Pinot Noirs by Riccardo Melillo.
The best wines tasted by Monica Marcandelli at the “Oltrepò land of Pinot Noir” event.
Frecciarossa is one of the wineries mentioned by Sarah Lane in his article about Oltrepò Pavese.
Our Giorgio Odero 2019 is one of the wines selected for La Cucina Italiana by Marco Matta, sommelier of the Milan restaurant Verso (2 Michelin stars).
A review of our Giorgio Odero 2018 by Cristina Latessa.
Our Giorgio Odero 2019 among the best Oltrepò Pavese wines in the opinion of Jean Marco Palmieri.
Our Metodo Classico Extra Brut among the Oltrepò Pavese sparkling wines selected by Lara Loreti.
A report by Marilena Lualdi of the 2023 edition of the “Oltrepò terra di Pinot Nero” tasting.
An article by Fabio Rizzari about the history of our winery that also includes a review of the Anamari 2019.
A review of our wines by Enrico Malgi.
The tasting notes of American sommelière Alison Miller for our Carillo 2022.
A report by Lorenzo Colombo about the Pinot Nero dell’Oltrepò Pavese DOC masterclass held during the “Oltrepò terra di Pinot Nero” event.
Our Giorgio Odero 2018 among the best wines tasted by Michelangelo Tagliente at the 2023 edition of “Oltrepò terra di Pinot Nero”.
Our Giorgio Odero 2018 among the best wines tasted by Paolo Valente at the 2023 edition of “Oltrepò terra di Pinot Nero”.
Our Carillo 2021 is one of the wines recommended by Paolo Valente in the Show Case Wine section of the lifestyle magazine James.
A review by Silvia Fratini of a Pinot Nero dell’Oltrepò Pavese DOC masterclass organised by AIS Milan and Consorzio Tutela Vini Oltrepò Pavese.
Valeria Radici Odero interviewed by Francesco Fabbretti.
A report by Sara Missaglia of a Pinot Nero dell’Oltrepò Pavese DOC masterclass organised by Consorzio Tutela Vini Oltrepò Pavese and led by Chiara Giovoni.
A report by Maria Grazia Melegari of a Pinot Nero dell’Oltrepò Pavese DOC masterclass organised by Consorzio Tutela Vini Oltrepò Pavese and led by Chiara Giovoni.
Our wines reviewed by Augusto Gentilli.
A review of our Metodo Classico Extra Brut 2020 by AIS sommelier Dimitri Domenichella.
Our Carillo and Giorgio Odero reviewed by Riccardo Fabbio.
Our Giorgio Odero and Metodo Classico sparkling wines selected by Frank Jacobs among the finest Pinot Noir-based wines produced in Oltrepò Pavese.
An article by Fabrizio Franci about our winery.
Our Metodo Classico Extra Brut and Giorgio Odero 2017 among the best wines tasted by Vittorio Ferla at the “Oltrepò terra di Pinot Nero” event in Rome.
A review of our Anamari 2018 by American sommelière Alison Miller.
A report by Fabrizio Franci about the 2022 edition of the “Oltrepò terra di Pinot Nero” event.
A report by Giulia Carelle about the Pinot Nero dell’Oltrepò Pavese DOC masterclass led by Filippo Bartolotta at the 2022 edition of the “Oltrepò terra di Pinot Nero” event.
A report by Paolo Valente about the Pinot Nero dell’Oltrepò Pavese DOC masterclass led by Filippo Bartolotta at the 2022 edition of the “Oltrepò terra di Pinot Nero” event.
A report by Lorenzo Colombo about the Pinot Nero dell’Oltrepò Pavese DOC masterclass led by Filippo Bartolotta at the 2022 edition of the “Oltrepò terra di Pinot Nero” event.
A positive review of our Carillo by Elio Ghisalberti.
An article by Danish journalist Jørgen Aldrich about Oltrepò Pavese.
A review of our Carillo 2021 by AIS sommelier Federico Bovarini.
Our Giorgio Odero among the favourite Oltrepò Pavese Pinot Noir tasted by Danish bloggers Helle Nørgaard and Preben Nielsen during their staying in our region.
A report by Erika Mantovan of the Pinot Nero dell’Oltrepò Pavese DOC masterclass led by Filippo Bartolotta during the “Oltrepò terra di Pinot Nero” event.
Our Giorgio Odero is one of the Pinot Noir selected by Wine Bugle, a website that specialises in wine & food pairings.
Our Metodo Classico Extra Brut 2018 among the summer sparkling wines suggested by Raffaele Foglia.
Excellent performance of our wines at the Oltrepò Pavese tasting by Raffaele Vecchione.
Our wines reviewed by Antonio Stanzione.
A video about the “Oltrepò terra di Pinot Nero” project with an interview to Valeria Radici Odero.
A review of our wines by the Punto d’Inizio blog.
Our Giorgio Odero is one of the best Pinot Nero dell’Oltrepò Pavese DOC in the tasting dedicated to our region by the german-language magazine Vinum.
Our Margherita is one of the rosé wines suggested by Giovanna Moldenhauer to celebrate Valentine’s Day.
Valeria Radici Odero interviewed by Francesco Bellini.
Frecciarossa among the FIVI wineries selected by the The Journey Box blog.
A highly positive review of our Giorgio Odero by Jeremy Parzen.
Our Anamari 2017 is one of the red wines to buy for Christmas in the opinion of Sergio Bolzoni and Raffaele Cumani.
A review of our Oltrepò Pavese Rosso Riserva Anamari 2018 by Paolo Valente.
Paolo Fratter includes our Giorgio Odero 2017 among the best Oltrepò Pavese Pinot Noirs.
Our Pinot Noir Carillo 2020 is one of the perfect wine gifts for Christmas in the opinion of Alberto Del Giudice.
Our Giorgio Odero 2017 is one of the Oltrepò Pavese Pinot Noirs appreciated by Alessandra Gianelli.
Chiara Bassi reviews a number of Oltrepò Pavese Pinot Noir-based Metodo Classico at the tasting “Talk’n’toast – Conversations on Pinot Noir”.
A review of our Pinot Noir Giorgio Odero 2016 by Margot on the Write For Wine US blog.
Francesco Fabbretti judges our Carillo 2020 an excellent value for money wine.
Our Giorgio Odero 2017 among the best tastings of Raffaele Mosca at the “Oltrepò – Land of Pinot Noir” event in Casteggio (PV).
Our Giorgio Odero and Carillo among the best tastings of Antonio Stanzione at the “Oltrepò – Land of Pinot Noir” event in Casteggio (PV).
An article by Matteo Forlì about the “Oltrepò – Land of Pinot Noir” event.
Federico Gordini chooses Frecciarossa as one of Oltrepò Pavese best wineries.
A lengthy article by Giuseppe De Biasi about the Oltrepò Pavese wineries that produce Pinot Noir-based wines.
Our Pinot Noir Giorgio Odero among the choices of Valentina Vercelli.
A complimentary article by Jeremy Parzen about Frecciarossa wines.
Frecciarossa is one of the recommended stops of the Oltrepò Pavese bike and motorcycle tour traced by Gabriele Politi.
An article by Sara Missaglia about Frecciarossa on the Viniplus magazine by AIS Lombardy.
Italian wine writer Assunta Casiello visits Frecciarossa.
A positive review of our Oltrepò Pavese Rosso Anamari 2017.
Our Pinot Noir Giorgio Odero among the wines to buy for Christmas selected by Alessandro Pirollo.
Our Pinot Noir Giorgio Odero among the choices of Italian blogger and sommelier Amanda.
The account of a tasting of Pinot Noir from Oltrepò Pavese and other wine regions organised by Riccardo Cimò.
Our Pinot Noir Carillo 2018 is one of the wines chosen by Italian sommelier Antonio di Mora for vegetable-based dishes.
Our Rosé Extra Brut Vintage is the Saturday’s choice of Marina Alaimo on the Food Club website.
Frecciarossa is one of the eight Winemag’s choices for your weekend in Oltrepò Pavese.
Riccardo Gabriele’s tasting notes on our Anamari 2017.
Our Carillo is among Adele Elisabetta Granieri’s best choices for your everyday wine.
Federico Bindi’s tasting notes on our Carillo 2018.
Our Giorgio Odero is one of the best 20 Italian Pinot Noirs in Italy’s Finest Wines selection.
An extensive article about Oltrepò Pavese by Raffaele Vecchione, including his tasting notes of some of our wines.
A review of our Pinot Noir Giorgio Odero 2015 by Francesca Fiocchi.
Our 100th birthday party on Identità Golose Web.
Our 100th birthday party in Giovanna Moldenhauer’s words.
Valentina Vercelli interviews many Italian female winegrowers.
Our 100th birthday party in Sofia Landone’s words.
Our 100th birthday party in Paolo Valente’s words.
Our 100th birthday party in Eleonora Lanzetti’s words.
An article by Photo Fashion Magazine on our 100th birthday party.
Our 100th birthday party in Oliviero Maggi’s words.
Valeria Radici Odero interviewed by Ermanno Bidone at our 100th birthday party.
Our 100th birthday party in Davide Bortone’s words.
Our 100th birthday party in Andrea Guolo’s words.
Our Sillery among the best value for money wines in the opinion of American sommelière and restaurant owner Alpana Singh.
Our Moschettieri Extra Brut Vintage 2016 and Giorgio Odero 2014 among the best choices by Davide Bortone at the Market of FIVI wines.
A portrait of Frecciarossa by Fernando Pardini (plus his tasting notes on our wines).
Our Giogio Odero 2015 is Valentina Vercelli’s wine of the week in La Cucina Italiana on line magazine.
Fernando Pardini’s thoughts on the Oltrepò Pavese wine region.
Tasting of 5 vintages of our Pinot Noir Giorgio Odero: an assessment by AIS sommelier Paolo Valente.
Our Pinot Noir Carillo among the wines paired to… the players of the Italian national female football team by Queerwine.
An account of a tasting of Pinot Noir from Oltrepò Pavese organised by Riccardo Cimò.
Our Giorgio Odero among the wines selected by Alberto Del Giudice for the Easter meal.
Wine journalist Fabio Rizzari on an old bottle of Frecciarossa Grand Cru 1969 opened in a special tasting and found in excellent shape.
Our Carillo 2016 among Valentina Vercelli’s suggestions for the best wine pairing with the classic roast chicken.
A flattering review of our Giorgio Odero by Carlo Macchi.
An article by Carlo Macchi about Oltrepò Pavese leading wineries.
Amedeo Macagno’s tasting notes on our Metodo Classico sparkling wines (search “Moschettieri” in the page).
Amedeo Macagno’s tasting notes on our Pinot Noir Carillo (search “Carillo” in the page).
Our Giorgio Odero among Dino Tedeschi’s choices at the FIVI wine market.
Ian D’Agata gives 90/100 to our Pinot Noir Rosé Margherita on Vinous.
Our Pinot Noir Giorgio Odero recommended by Ulrich Kohlmann.
Our Carillo reviewed by Wine Roland.
Our Giorgio Odero mentioned in a lengthy article by Flavia Rendina on Italian Pinot Noirs.
Our Riesling Gli Orti among the best value for money wines in Oltrepò Pavese according to the Bibenda tasting staff.
Our Giorgio Odero 2010 is one of the best tastings of Giorgio Michieletto at Vinitaly 2017.
Our Giorgio Odero among the not-to-miss wines at Vinitaly 2017 according to Giancarlo Gariglio.
Fabio Giavedoni tells about an Oltrepò Pavese Pinot Noir tasting.
Marco Agnelli on the tasting of Oltrepò Pavese wines organised by AIS Milan.
A vertical tasting of 16 vintages of our Riesling Gli Orti in the words of Armando Castagno.
Riccardo Cimò visits Frecciarossa.
An account by Alessio Turazza about a vertical tasting of our Riesling Gli Orti.
Alessio Turazza’s tasting notes on our Giorgio Odero.
Eric Asimov praises our Uvarara as a great value for money wine.
Tasting notes by Alessandro Farina on our Carillo.
Our Villa Odero 1991 among the wines loved by Francesco Beghi.
An article by Chris Kassel on our Giorgio Odero.
A vertical tasting of Riesling Gli Orti reviewed by Alberto Alfano and Vittorio Barbieri.
A report by Silvio Magni about a Frecciarossa tasting organised by Slow Food Valli Orobiche at restaurant LoRo in Trescore Balneario (BG).
Paolo Zatta’s tasting notes on our Barbera Le Praielle.
Paolo Zatta’s tasting notes on a bottle of Sillery 2008 opened after 5 years in the cellar.
Federico Malgarini visits Frecciarossa.
A report by Francesco Beghi of the vertical tasting of Giorgio Odero held at Prato Gaio resturant for the OltreLaStoria series of tastings.
A report by Lisa Marchesi of the vertical tasting of Giorgio Odero held at Prato Gaio resturant for the OltreLaStoria series of tastings.
Our Sillery 2010 reviewed by Roberto Gatti.
A tasting of three Oltrepò Pavese Pinot Noirs, including our Giorgio Odero 2007, by AIS Sommelier Dimitri Domenichella.
A vertical tasting of Giorgio Odero reviewed by AIS sommelier Dimitri Domenichella.
The Varese AIS delegation visits Frecciarossa.
Frecciarossa agronomist Claudio Giorgi tells the secrets of our Giorgio Odero to wine journalist Roger Sesto.
Our Le Praielle 2005 reviewed by AIS sommelier Dimitri Domenichella.
Our Francigeno 2005 reviewed by AIS sommelier Dimitri Domenichella.
Our Giorgio Odero 2006 reviewed by Gigi Brozzoni.
Our Giorgio Odero 2005 evalued by AIS sommelier Dimitri Domenichella.