Uno sguardo sul panorama enologico italiano (Cernobbio, 21 settembre 2018)

“An outlook on the Italian wine world” by ONAV Como

We will present our wines in Cernobbio (CO) on Friday, September 21st 2018 at the tenth edition of “An outlook on the Italian wine world” a tasting event organised by ONAV Como featuring wines from all over Italy. The event will be hosted in the elegant halls of Regina Olga Hotel.

Please check out the ONAV website for detailed information about the event.



Name of the event: “An outlook on the Italian wine world”
When: September 21st 2018
Where: Cernobbio (CO)
Location of the event: Regina Olga Hotel
Address: via Regina, 18
Opening hours: from 5.00 pm to 11:00 pm
Admission fee: euro 15,00 (euro 10,00 for ONAV members)
Information: +39.335.423980 or +39.340.1516436
Reservations: on line registration